Spring is Here...and So are The Bugs

Hello everybody!
Such a lovely spring day in my part of the world. Spring, YES! If you're still shivering, you need to come to Tennessee lol!
With spring, comes the wonderful gardening and lawn care duties. I try to have a green thumb, though, not always am I as successful as I set out to be. I ignore the duties that need to be persisted when it comes to growing a well-producing garden or healthy flower bed. Not that I don't want to, I just get so caught up with the kids and family that I forget to weed the gardens and sometimes water it, or even plant the seeds LMAO!
There are serious gardeners out there though that maintain absolutely gorgeous landscapes and bountiful gardens. I would say I envy them, but I don't. They put in the time I don't. I am curious, however, how they keep it looking so healthy? Fertilizers? Persicides? Herbicides?
The vast majority of those last three have a significant impact on not only your lawn, but the environment as a whole. I'm not saying don't use them, but do you have any idea what you're doing to yourself and everyone else if you don't read the labels? Most of it on the market today is nothing more than poison and those toxins drain right into our watersheds and we drink that crap.
Think of all the other creatures and foliage it impacts aside from ourselves!
Remember the big DDT scare? Ya, so what, you say. I'm pretty sure they just invented about ten other chemicals (mostly synthetic) to replace it. Three main categories you reallt need to be aware of that have a serious impact on humans in particular. Organochlorines that affect the respiratory and immune systems, and the carbamates and organophosphates that have crazy side effects to our nervous systems. These carcinogens are known to cause lymphoma, leukemia, breast cancer, and obviously, the list goes on. Do you have ADD or ADHD? Might be because you ingested some pesticides somewhere along the line...
Scary huh?
So what can you do?
Tons of things. Can simply hose down your garden with water to knock the bugs off. Birds will see them squirming in the mud and CHOMP. Especially effective against the rampaging army worms. LADY BUGS. Yes, they are known predators of aphids and several other plant destroying critters that infest a garden. Crab spiders, hover flies, and paper wasps also eat the annoying caterpillars and mites that creep into a garden. Throw some dill or radishes or broccoli in there to attract said predators. For slugs, throw a clay pot...I don't know why...in there and they are attracted to it and in the mornings, turn it over, see your pest, and relocate them. You can even spray some highly acidic citrus juice on the plants like lemon juice to repel some of them. Won't harm the plants or your garden one bit. Best of all, use natural compost like the banana peels you're gonna throw out or fish guts as fertilizer. I remember my parents did that all the time, never knew why...
Hopefully this helps someone, somewhere :)

"Coincidence rests only in the minds of the ignorant and foolish."
-Justin LaFountain

Penulis : enginewitty ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Spring is Here...and So are The Bugs ini dipublish oleh enginewitty pada hari Monday, April 15, 2013. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Spring is Here...and So are The Bugs


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