Is There A 'BEST' Network Marketing Company?

Me again everyone!

So I get asked the question quite a bit, "What is the best company in network marketing?"

IS there a best company?

In my opinion?


I'll tell you why.

Now please, keep in mind, this is strictly my opinion.

There is no best company in network marketing because the success of a person depends solely on their own motivations and ambitions. That being said, the best company in network marketing is self.

You must have that reason, that why that keeps you going to your job or building your network. Remember, your network is your net worth. You have to push yourself to succeed. You can have the greatest coach or mentor in the world but if you aren't listening, or you aren't applying the teaching, you aren't going to get very far.

You have to have the ambition to build that network as well. There is not a single soul on this planet that ever instantly achieved success all by their lonesome. The more leaders you bring into your team and network, the more successful you are going to be. You have to surround yourself with like-minded individuals and people that will lift you up. Need I say criticize you in healthy doses as well. You must learn to accept constructive criticism so you can grow.

We all make mistakes, learning from them is what transfers the knowledge. Applying that knowledge... yes, you remember from the last one!

Bearing all that in mind, you can take virtually any business and make it the best company in network marketing. I highly suggest you join a company you believe in. One with similar principles and goals. If you don't like coffee, don't pretend you do and try to sell it. If you aren't a health-nut, I wouldn't advise pushing pills down your friends' and family's throats.

That's what makes your company, the best company in network marketing. Retaining belief in the product, service or system they have to offer so you can whole-heartedly sell it.

I, for one, like helping people and have my favorites that I have taken under my wing. Some people may be disappointed in my next few paragraphs, but it is what it is. They may not be the best businesses out there to some people, but to me, they collectively are my best company in network marketing. I say company singularily, because altogether, they are my business ventures and all put money in my pocket.

First off, we have the newly established Paid2Save. I like this company for several reasons. It has a binary pay structure that allows the little guys to be successful letting the chips fall where they may. The entire organization itself is built upon the foundation of saving people money. People love it when you do that. I would much rather save people money than put them on an auto-ship I wouldn't even 'buy' myself. When I say save, I mean on EVERYTHINGFrom insurance to travel to pharmacy purchases on over to dental and vision and telecommunications. I feel this company will be huge and thank the person that introduced it to me. My mentor and sponsor for this company is one of, if not the top earner in North American Power...Mr. Troy Nihart.

Second, and climbing fast up the charts and at this very minute, is my primary, we have RCC. Rocket Cash Cycler. This is more of a system that comes with some phenomenal tools for Skype, and an absolutely mind-blowing success library that I've been using to assist my own personal team with. Kiyosaki, Olsteen, Ziglar, Rohn and Robbins. Just phenomenal. If people would see how this really works, there is no way they would actually say no to it. Have to thank the young rising star Mr. William Tragni for bringing it to my attention and sponsoring me. My mentor for this particular one is the astounding 'Extreme Networker' Mr. Billy Funk.

This next business, hasn't even gone into pre-launch yet. It's not network marketing either, but the reason I am in love with it, is because of the way it can help so many people and businesses alike achieve greatness. I was blessed with this opportunity as well by a good friend and partner of mine that also brought aboard my other partner! I don't believe in coincidence. We truly are destined for greatness. Byron McNabb whom I am partnered with in TK Systems is the one who gets all the credit for this. The new iPayal will be coming VERY soon to your city! The two of us and my other partner Byron invited whom I am partnered with in IClub, Mr. Keith Jones (D4ourG) are extremely excited to hit the ground running with this. I've been given so many great gifts, partners and friends through my willingness to expand my network...just amazing.

So, is there a best network marketing company? No. The best network marketing company will be the one that you choose to faithfully pursue. Maybe it'll be more than one? Maybe you'll want to be on my team? And believe me...we are a TEAM.

"Coincidence rests only in the minds of the ignorant and foolish."
-Justin LaFountain

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