The Fountain of Youth

Throughout history, humankind has sought the artifacts of legend, cities and cultures of grandeur, and dug for relics of the past which we only know now as myths. El Dorado, the Lost City of Atlantis, the Holy Grail, Alladin's Lamp, and the most prized of all, the Fountain of Youth.

Could you imagine though? If we actually found the Fountain of Youth? People would literally be lining up across the globe just to catch a glimpse of it's purity. And imagine the marketability of such a thing! A mere sip from the Fountain of Youth would probably cost tens of thousands if not millions of dollars!

I want you also to imagine all the people it would help. Help with what you ask? Aside from the obvious rejuvenation effects, the confidence and peace of mind such a discovery would bring. The Fountain of Youth would ease two of the most prominent fears shared by humankind as a whole. Death and growing old.
The Fountain of Youth would eliminate all those side effects from aging that we so desperately desire to prevent and eliminate. Many people, young and old alike, find it difficult just to muster the brevity to look themselves in the mirror, knowing their young bodies are not what they used to be. What a treasure on earth it would be to find the famous Fountain of Youth. Crow's feet, gone. Wrinkles, gone. Gray hair, restored. Aches and pains, alleviated.

You see, what happens over time to our bodies can be put to a simple comparison. Imagine the strands of DNA in your body that hold everything together on a molecular level as shoe laces. You know how after awhile, on your favorite pair of shoes, the little plastic piece comes off of the end of the shoe lace? Now as we know, once that part is gone, it isn't long before the ends start to fray ultimately shortening the shoe lace as small tethers get shredded away from daily wear and tear. Luckily, we can easily replace a pair of shoe laces. Our DNA on the other not so expendable.

What if we could repair and rebuild that DNA?

What if there was a Fountain of Youth?

Would you want to know more about it?


We've found a way.

Your prayers are answered.

Click anywhere in this text to learn about the amazing discoveries science has brought us, and how you can get your 'Fountain of Youth'.

"Coincidence rests only in the minds of the ignorant and foolish."
-Justin LaFountain

Penulis : enginewitty ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel The Fountain of Youth ini dipublish oleh enginewitty pada hari Wednesday, May 8, 2013. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan The Fountain of Youth


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